Everybody hopes that as they get older they will learn to age gracefully and not become an embarrassment or burden upon other people, but not everybody can achieve this desire. We all see many people of a certain age either wearing or doing something which is so totally not suitable to their age group or body type. We need to realise that as we get older, there are some things which do not look attractive and can lead to us being made a fool of.

Aging gracefully is an art which we need to learn. There are some things which should not affect the way we choose to live and I am all in favour of being young at heart but when I see old balding men with badly fitting hairpieces or women in their seventies with more make up on their faces than an Indian bride, I have to cringe and feel sorry for them. This type of behaviour usually stems from an inability to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer in their prime and that they need to adjust certain things accordingly.

There is a whole industry built up around the need for people to carry on looking their best as they get older and while a lot of these products and services will delay the aging process somewhat, there comes a time when you realise that you need to act a bit more dignified. We used to have an old French teacher at school and I remember how much we used to make fun of her because she used to smear bright blue eye shadow all over her lids and it was smudged along the thin line of her drawn in eyebrows. She also had very thin lips and she would put on bright red lipstick as a dot in the middle of her lips, as though she had forgotten to spread the colour to the rest of her lips.

One of the areas where you also need to take care as you get older is in the field of cosmetic surgery, making sure that you only have the procedures done which will enhance your looks, without making you look like an enhanced clown. Due to the skin becoming thinner, you may notice that you sometimes look as though you have been punched in the eye and this is where you need to try and find the correct dark circles treatment which will reduce the appearance of bruising.

One of the most common procedures which are carried out every day is the facelift where you have certain parts of the skin on your face pulled tighter and this will make your face look younger and smoother. Another popular method of a quick aide to looking better is the eyelid surgery which is useful if you find that you have that droopy look as the skin around your eye area starts to sag or bloat.

It may seem to be a strange contradiction but there are some people who lose a lot of weight and then are still not happy with the way they look. I know of one lady who was very much in need of losing weight and she worked very hard. It took her over a year to lose a lot of the body fat which she had accumulated over the years and when she lost so much weight, we were all so proud of her, with the exception of her husband.
For some reason which we have yet to figure out, her husband managed to get it in to his head that now that his wife had lost so much weight, she would either cheat on him of leave him for someone else! No matter how much she lovingly reassured him and then finally told him to stop being so stupid and to grow up, he was fixated on the idea of her being unfaithful and started to make life miserable for both of them.
He was determined not to let her out of his sight and even followed her to work where he would wait around and observe who she talked to and what she did in her free time. Things got out of hand eventually and his behaviour caused him to try and make her a prisoner in her home while claiming that he loved her and that she looked so nice. She often said that she regretted losing the weight in the first place but she was determined not to regain it as she felt so much better in herself and wanted to stay fit and healthy. Things worked out fine after they attended counselling sessions and he managed to overcome his issues of abandonment.
While this is not a common incident, there are other reasons as to why people lose weight and then are unhappy. One of these is that along with weight loss, you need to ensure that you tone up your body because rapid weight loss can lead to the sagging of skin into unsightly folds and these can only be removed with the help of cosmetic surgery. This is where you have will have heard of terms such as having a tummy tuck and using skin tighteningprocedures. Both of these procedures involve invasive surgery to some extent, in order to remove excess skin or to just pull and stretch the shin and then fasten it in a way to make the area tighter and smoother.
Another area in which weight loss can have negative effects is the formation of stretch marks, and although these are usually associated with rapid weight gain, rapid weight loss can also cause them to appear in certain parts of the body. This is where you can avail yourself of the services of professionals dealing with beauty once again and have a stretch mark treatment to try and reduce the appearance of them.

Considering that our hair plays such an important role in our lives, it is no wonder that we spend so much time, money and emotional investment in it. Our hair, its condition, style and general appearance affects our self image and also, in part, the way the way that others see us. There is something very attractive about a head of thick glossy hair that makes you want to touch it and you need to ensure that your crowning glory feels as soft and clean as it looks.

A varied diet including fresh fruit, vegetables and fish is necessary in order to provide your hair with the correct nutrients for healthy hair growth,along with certain fats, dairy and carbs too. The second factor is blood circulation and the amount of blood getting to the hair follicles. In order to increase blood circulation, an active lifestyle is essential with plenty of exercise and daily activities which will get the blood pumping around your body. These things will not only improve your hair, but also ensure that your body remains supple and that your skin and eyes look healthy and bright.

Although these days it is very common to see men with shining pates, and indeed it is the default hairstyle of many men with thinning hair, for some reason it is still considered to be a something about which men feel ashamed. They feel that the loss of their hair is somehow tied into their macho image and that they will cease to be attractive to women if they have a bald head. Of course this is not always true as there are many bald men who are deemed to be amongst the most attractive in the world, and not all are Hollywood celebrities.

However if you feel that you really do need some help in this area of hair loss there are a few treatments that you can try which may make a difference. There are some lotions and creams which some people claim really does make the hear grow back on your head, although for every genuine treatment you find, there will be at least another twenty which are do not work and are just a waste of your money, efforts and hopes.

The one sure way of regaining hair on your head once it has said goodbye to you, is with the use of cosmetic surgery and hair transplant procedures. These come in two main types, the traditional FUT hair transplant and the newer FUE hair transplant. Both of these procedures are quite similar but with the FUE hair transplant, there is a shorter recovery period and the scars on the scalp are less noticeable. This is because the hair which removed for transplanting is taken in smaller units from different areas rather than one long strip from one place. There are new innovations being made in the field of cosmetic surgery every day, and there may be an even newer procedure soon.